Got Rooster

Content. Pop Culture Audio. Topic Starters.

About The Rooster

"The Rooster Crows"

Female-friendly "with some attitude" written FOR radio BY radio pros.

Along with the hottest news, pop culture and lifestyle stories, The Rooster includes daily topic starters and produced bits. Also, phone calls to get your request lines flashing.


  • The ability to bookmark your favorite stories to use later. And, move them around in any order you'd like.
  • AUDIO CLIPS with the stories.
  • Easy to use settings options. Nuke a certain category you don't want or need. Or, keep 'em all.
  • An entire website that's easy on the eyes; important, at 5am.
  • Our Rooster Feed will provide content for your own blog, in addition to the dozens of stories on our daily Buzz Page.

The Rooster offers BARTER deals, so keep the cash in your pocket and get the killer prep for your airwaves! Contact Affiliate Relations at Benztown for all the info: (818) 842-4600 or

Contact The Rooster